Dameta Diane, Master Esthetician, Massage Specialist

Courageous Healing contracts with Dameta Diane’s company, Prophetic Massage, to offer a variety of spa services. As a Master Esthetician and Massage Specialist, Dameta believes in massage's healing, soothing, and relieving power for physical and emotional well-being. She has over 10 years of experience offering Swedish, Therapeutic, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue massages, and other body and facial treatments to provide our clients with complete relaxation.

"Anything that helps a person relax and strengthen their mind-body connection is helpful for their overall well-being. Massage is a powerful resource for that. I'm intentional about tailoring my massage sessions to meet the needs of my clients each time I see them because every person's body responds uniquely. It is amazing how reducing stress and pain can change a person's perspective on life."

Before stepping out on faith as an entrepreneur and business owner, Dameta worked for The Woodhouse Day Spay for 8 ½ years. During her tenure there, she became the number one requested therapist for 5 years. Dameta graduated Salutatorian from the Esthetician program at Master of Cosmetology College in Fort Wayne, IN. She is currently enrolled in Cornerstone Christian Bible College International's Global Next Level Personal Enhancement and Professional Development Symposium Series.

Outside of work, Dameta enjoys spending time with her two sons, watching tv shows, and hanging out with friends and family.